How it all began

The concept of this website, came about a number of years ago, when the publisher John Gloucester, was on an extended visit to Hong Kong.

Armed with an Accommodation Listing, City Map, General Tourist Guide, & Restaurant Guide he set about exploring the area via their modern Subway System, the only efficient way to get around.

Much to his frustration, John found that none of the information in the various booklets coordinated their locations with regards to the nearest Subway Station.
Feeling that there must be a “Better Way” the idea of a simple web-site “Wine & Dine the Subway” was born.
As also having travelled to more than 100 countries for business and pleasure he started building a data base of Accommodations, Bars, Clubs, Restaurants, Resto-Bars and Attractions all located within two to four blocks around each Subway Station in those world-wide cities having a subway system. To-date the number of data-based entries number over 16,000 and is growing every-day.
At Wine & Dine the Subway, we have tried to keep the website simple to navigate, and have purposely tried not to get into the ratings game as there are plenty of other specific websites dedicated to this, and who can do a far better job.
By using the world’s subway systems more, whether you be a Local or a Visitor, one causes less pollution by not using an additional vehicle; less tension by trying to find parking and/or constantly watching the “Parking-Meter” when you do; and also everyone can join in a social event without having to assign a “Designated Driver”.
If you allow for the cost of Gas, Parking Fees, possible Overtime Fines and/or Towing Charges you can probably save plenty of money in the long run.
For those who like to party long and late, taking the subway one way, and then taking a taxi home is always worth considering.